Gmina Goworowo w Polsce jest miejscem znaczącym historycznie, które odegrało decydującą rolę w rozwoju kraju. Strona internetowa poświęcona gminie Goworowo jest źródłem informacji o jej przeszłości, teraźniejszości i przyszłości. Dzięki tej platformie odwiedzający mogą zanurzyć się w bogatej historii Goworowa i poznać najważniejsze postacie, które ukształtowały jego tożsamość.

Goworowo to niewielka gmina położona w zachodniej Polsce, niedaleko granicy z Niemcami. Ma długą i złożoną historię, której korzenie sięgają okresu średniowiecza. Na przestrzeni wieków na gminę wpływali różni władcy i imperia, Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów, Prusy i Związek Radziecki. To różnorodne dziedzictwo znajduje odzwierciedlenie w architekturze, kulturze i tradycjach regionu.

Jedną z kluczowych postaci związanych z Goworowem jest hrabia Stanisław Potocki, szlachcic, który odegrał znaczącą rolę w rozwoju gminy w XVIII wieku. Potocki był mecenasem sztuki i nauki, a jego dziedzictwo nadal można zobaczyć w historycznych budynkach i zabytkach Goworowa.

lokalizacjaul. T. Boya-Żeleńskiego 2a, Rzeszów

telefon+48 17 85 40 624



The Polkemic Company was established in the year 1993 in Rzeszow, Poland. The company is a specialist in the market of edge banding production for the furniture industry. The main focus of the company is the production of edge bandings and profiles used in furniture production.

In our first years on the market, 1993-2002, we were investing in the development and production of a wide range of products for industry. The main production centered around the production of ducts, conduits and casing tubes for running telecommunication and electrical installations.

In the year 1997, Polkemic presented the first product for the furniture market – the “C” Profile. Its purpose was to protect the edges of boards that were used to produce furniture. The dynamic evolution of the carpentry industry, coupled with our products being so well received, our offer expanded with many different shapes, sizes, colors and also patterns. This product is available to this day in Polkemic’s offer.

In the year 2000, as one of the first companies in Central-Europe, we began production of printed and uni-color edge bandings dedicated for the furniture production market.

The following years, 2000-2010, can be characterized as an explosion of development of not only the company but the offer as well. The expansion of Polkemic’s edge band offer made us a leader in Central-Europe and also made it possible for us to export our products to new markets. Our pallet was enriched, not only by shapes or sizes, but by new thermoplastic materials, colors and structures of the edge bands.

With the opening of our new facility in 2012, we began producing our edge bands with a new type of technology, referred to as a “Jumbo Roll”. Edge bands cut from a wide sheet of material have been implemented in the furniture manufacturing plants. Along with the new products from the new facility, the thermoplastic material referred to as ABS was put into production.

In the following years, 2012-2017, Polkemic’s offer expanded even more with new products made from ABS and PVC. We started, as one of the first producers, production of edge bands with a special embossed structure, worktops as well as edges with a high gloss finish. Polkemic’s offer expanded with products such as veneer edges, end caps and cleaning solutions.

In 2017, Polkemic opened a new chapter in its development. A new production facility with the latest products on offer was opened. For the last 24 years, the company has made great investments into the development and modification of technologies to suit our needs. Today, it is focused on modern technological solutions without worrying about risks or taking the responsibility for its products. Polkemic is a trustworthy partner which meets the expectations of its clients by creating a high quality product at a reasonable price.


Production of furniture edge bandings by connecting the latest technology and today’s fashion designs.




The products are characterized by exceptional attention in terms of selection, control and optimization of components which then translates into a final product of above average quality.


sprawdzony producent

Our own know-how which we developed over the 25 years of working in the field of printing and extrusion. The vast amount of products sold to over 20 different countries. Stable and strong brand.



Standard and above standard collections dedicated or everyone. We have our own design department responsible for creating colorful furniture edges and a dynamic and effective sales department. Realization of even the most outlandish of orders for edges or profiles.


design i smak

Designing edges in cooperation with furniture manufacturers and dealers. Searching for the most effective compromise between ergonomics, visualization and sensibility in the development of the final product.



UE Fundusze europejskie dla P WschUE Inteligentny rozwojUE Innowacyjna gospodarkaUE Fundusz rozwoju regionalnegodotacje na innowacje




ul. T. Boya-Żeleńskiego 2a
35-105 Rzeszów

tel. +48 17 85 40 624
fax. +48 17 85 40 888


open hours:
7:00 – 15:30


Fabryka Polkemic

ul. Innowacyjna 12
36-060 Głogów Małopolski

tel. +48 17 85 40 624


polkemic srodowisko